A recipe for romantic bliss. Bake a little or bake a lot, this Love For You Chocolate Cheesecake is easy and loaded with love. Memorably moist & silky smooth served with whipped cream to melt your heart one bite at a time.

Indulge with a touch of fresh farm raspberries & sprinkle a little extra magic on top.

This slice is like no other. Made with love by Rhiannan 



1 & 1/2 cups of crushed choc biscuits
1/4 cup butter, melted

Cake :
200g Lindt dark chocolate 70%
130g Lindt raspberry dark chocolate 70%
670g cream cheese (I used quark which is fresh cream cheese from the farm, otherwise use Philadelphia cream cheese)
1 cup granulated sugar
3 tbps of coconut sugar
3 tbsp cocoa powder
4 eggs, room temp
2 egg yolks, room temp
3/4 heavy cream, room temp
1 tsp vanila extract


Preheat oven to 165C
Line a cake tray with baking paper

For the base:
1.Combine crushed choc biscuits & melted butter in mixer or by hand
2. Press firmly into cake tray & bake for 10 mins
3. Set the base aside and cool

For the Cake:
1. Melt the chocolates over boiling water in a silver bowl until soft
2. In a cake mixer, pulse cream cheese until smooth
3. Add in granulated sugar, coconut sugar + cocoa powder & mix together
4. Add in eggs, egg yolk, heavy cream + vanilla essence & mix until just combined
5. Lastly, fold in melted chocolate & then pulse in mixer for 15 seconds
6. Pour cake filling over choc base & bake in oven for 1 hour 10 minutes (Place a baking tray in the bottom of the oven to help stop the cake cracking)
7. Once baked, turn oven off & open the oven door to slowly cool. After 15-30 minutes, pull out cake and allow to completely cool down. After and hourish, place cake in fridge and set for a few hours (I left mine overnight)


Garnish the cake with grated chocolate & dust with cocoa powder. Serve with fresh raspberries & vanilla ice cream or whipped cream! 

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